MATRC > Explore Telehealth > MATRC Vendor Selection Toolkit >  ENGAGING – Vendor Engagement Process

Congratulations! You’ve Selected a Vendor - Now What?

Now that you’ve chosen a vendor, it’s time to officially engage them and set the stage for a successful partnership. The following steps will help you maximize this phase of the process.

Vendor Engagement Process

Engaging a telehealth vendor follows a structured process similar to working with any other technology provider. Key areas to focus on include:

  • Contracting – Ensure the agreement clearly defines deliverables, pricing, service levels, compliance requirements, and exit strategies.
  • Support Structure – Establish roles and escalation processes for troubleshooting, ongoing maintenance, and customer support.
  • Deployment – Develop an implementation plan with clear milestones, testing phases, and integration steps.
  • Training – Provide comprehensive onboarding for clinicians, staff, and IT teams to ensure seamless adoption.

By following these steps, you’ll set your organization up for long-term success with your new telehealth vendor.