Can you help me understand and feel more comfortable with telehealth technology?  Family Voices has put together some amazing resources, including a curriculum, to assist families of children with Special Health Care Needs to understand the basics of family centered telehealth care.  We think these resources would be helpful for anyone!

Are You Connected?  Having access to a cellular or wifi signal is often needed to have a video visit with your clinician.  Learn more about what it means to be connected, how to get connected and how to enhance your connection.

Interested in finding out the definitions of terms like broadband, cellular, DLS, fiber and hotspot?   Show Me the Definitions!

Check out the following infographics for addressing common barriers to connectivity:

Do You Have a Device?  Computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones are all devices that can be used for a telehealth visit.  Learn if your device is “teleready”.

Interested in finding out the definitions of terms like apps, PC, RAM and smartphone?  Show Me the Definitions!

Check out the following infographic if you don't have a device:

How Do I Navigate a Patient Portal?  Many providers require patients to connect to teleehealth appointments through a patient portal.  Learn the basics here:

Can You "See" Your Provider?  You may need to navigate into a virtual exam room to see your doctor. Learn what the 4 KEYS are that will help you unlock the doors so you and your clinician can have a successful telehealth visit.

Interested in finding out the definitions of terms like email, links, downloads and software?  Show Me the Definitions!

Check out the following infographics for addressing common barriers to successfully connecting for your telehealth visit:

What if I Have a Disability and Need Special Technology Accommodations?   HRSA has put together this general informational document about the types of accommodations that may be available to you to facilitate your use of telehealth:  Telehealth for Individuals with Communication Disabilities

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has created the following technology guidance documents:

For Individuals Who Are Deaf:

For Individuals Who Are DeafBlind:

  • For Individuals Who Are Hard of Hearing:

Want more patient resources?  Visit "For patients" at Telehealth.HHS.Gov