- The Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP) has created this video primer on how Medicare policy gets created, who can act to make changes and the difference between "telehealth" and "communications technology based services (CTBS)".
Medicare Telehealth Billing Resources:
- CCHP has also created:
- The Medicare Learning Network has put together:
- Telehealth Services Fact Sheet (April 2024). Be on the lookout for an update in the first quarter of 2025 to reflect the changes from the CY2025 Physician Fee Schedule (see below)!
- The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has created a List of Telehealth Services payable under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule when furnished via telehealth. This list is updated each year. Everything on the list is covered through the end of Calendar Year (CY) . Updates for the upcoming Calendar Year will be addressed through the normal Physician Fee Schedule update process. The fee schedule is updated annually and takes effect on January 1 of each year. Proposed changes are published in the Federal Register by November of each year. CMS also publishes a Medicare Claims Processing Manual with Section 190 on telehealth.
- Any interested party (public or private) may submit requests for adding services to the list of Medicare telehealth services. Requests are due to CMS by February 10 of each year to be considered for the current year cycle of rulemaking.
- Added in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 and the CY2024 Physician Fee Schedule, Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) and Mental Health Counselors (MHCs) are now considered eligible Medicare practitioners and will be eligible to be reimbursed by Medicare for telehealth services beginning January 1, 2024.
- The Calendar Year 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule was released on November 1, 2024.
- View the Fact Sheet
- View Full Text of Final Rule
- The Calendar Year 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule was released on November 1, 2024.
- Medical Economics has put together a really good resource on "How to Correction Document and Bill for Patient E-Visits".
- The California Telehealth Resource Center has developed a Digital Health Services Payment Guide to address modalities such as eConsults, RPM, RTM, Asychronous Store and Forward, Artificial Intelligence Enabled Modalities and HIPAA-Compliant Texting.
Resources Related to the Unwinding of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) and Medicare Fee for Service: During the Public Health Emergency (PHE), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented waivers to expand telehealth access. "Telehealth” includes services provided through telecommunications systems (for example, computers and phones) and allows health care providers to give care to patients remotely in place of an in-person office visit. These waivers were issued by the Secretary and facilitated by the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. While many of the waivers have since expired, these key ones have continued on:
- Eliminating geographic restrictions so patients would not need to go to a facility in a rural or underserved area.
- Expanding originating sites to include patients’ homes.
- Allowing broader eligible provider types, such as Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), PTs, OTs, etc..
- Removing prior in-person visit requirements for telemental health services.
The PHE officially came to an end on May 11, 2023. Here are a number of resources to help you prepare for the unwinding of the PHE which took place in different stages between May 11, 2023, with some components now extended to March 31, 2025. Guidance and policies continue to be somewhat of a moving target so check back frequently for updates and changes and make sure you check the update date for all documents!
- Frequently Asked Questions: CMS Waivers, Flexibilities and the End of the COVID-19 PHE
- Provider-Specific Fact Sheets about PHE Waivers and Flexibilities
- National Rural Health Association Policy Brief: Impacts of Telehealth on Rural Health Care Access
Congress, after a wild roller-coaster ride just before the holidays in Decenber 2024, was able to pass a year-end spending bill that included a three-month extension for Medicare telehealth flexbilities. Some of the flexibilities set to expire on December 31, 2024 include lifting of geographic restrictions, expansion of originating sites and provider types eligible to provide telehealth services, and lifting of the prior in-person visit requirement for telemental health visits. These flexibilities will now remain in effect through March 31, 2025.
What Happens on April1 1 if Congress Does Not Act to Extend or Make Permanent the PHE Teleheath Flexibilities? In a nutshell:
- Patients would only be able to receive telehealth services at an eligible facility in a rural or underserved area, rather than from their homes with the exception of behavioral/mental health services.
- FQHCs and RHCs would no longer qualify as eligible distant site providers for telehealth
- There are no geographic restrictions: Patients do not need to be in a rural or underserved area.
- There are no originating site restrictions: Patients can receive services from home.
- There are no modality restrictions: Audio-only services are permitted.
- There is an expanded list of eligible distant site providers: FQHCs, RHCs, Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) and Mental Health Counselors are all now included as eligible providers of mental health services via telehealth.
The only restriction under the PHE waiver that may return is the requirement for an in-person visit within 6 months of a telebehavioral health visit. This requirement might return after March 31, 2025 if there is no action by Congress. However, this requirement was already extended for RHCs and FQHCs through January 1, 2026.
In summary:
- For general telehealth services, keep an eye on Congress for potential action before March 31, 2025.
- For mental/behavioral health services, you can continue operating under the current flexibilities, as most of these provisions are now permanent.
While it’s unlikely that Congress will let these flexibilities lapse without action, it’s always prudent to have some contingency plans.
Resources Related to the Acute Hospital at Home Waiver Program: Launched in November 2020, the waiver program was created in response to the severe bed shortages experienced by hospitals during the initial waves of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. This program allowed hospitals and health systems to deliver hospital-level care to patients in their homes, providing the same reimbursement as if the care were provided within a medical facility. As of March 1, 2024, 315 hospitals across 131 systems in 37 states have been approved to participate in the Acute Hospital Care at Home program. However, that CMS waiver is set to expire at the end of 2024 and legislative action is needed to extend the waiver or make the program permanent. The following sessions were offered at two different MATRC Summits. The recordings may be found as a resource:
- From #MATRC2022: Pre-Summit Session C: Understanding and Implementing a Hospital at Home Model
- From #MATRC2021: Transforming Care Delivery with Hospital at Home
Congress, after a wild roller-coaster ride just before the holidays in Decenber 2024, was able to pass a year-end spending bill that included a three-month extension for the Acute Hospital at Home waiver set to expire on December 31, 2024. This Waiver Program will now remain in effect through March 31, 2025. Advocates are hopeful that in the upcoming months, Congress will be able to act to either make this Waiver Program permanent or authorize a much longer extension. Stay tuned!
A Few Frequently Asked Questions About Medicare and Telehealth:
- What About Medicare Advantage Plans and Telehealth? Medicare Advantage plans may offer additional telehealth benefits beyond what is available through Medicare FFS plans. The types of services offered are contingent upon each plan's contractual agreement. Individuals in a Medicare Advantage plan should check with their plan about coverage for telehealth services. Additionally, some Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) may offer telehealth services that allow primary care doctors to care for patients without an in-person visit, no matter where they live. If your health care provider participates in an ACO, check with them to see what telehealth services may be available.
- Can I still be reimbursed for audio-only services since the Physician Fee Schedule eliminated the audio only codes but we have a 3-month extension on the waivers? Where audio-only is concerned, for 2025:
- Billing codes 99441-99443 have been eliminated
- Codes 99202-99215 can be used with the following modifiers to signify that the service was provided via audio-only:
- Modifier 93 for non-FQHC/RHC distant site providers
- Modifier FQ when the service is provided by an FQHC/RHC
- Can a Provider be located out of the country (either temporarily or permanently living abroad) and bill Medicare for telehealth visits?
The short answer is No. According to the Code of Federal Regulations:
Except as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, Medicare does not pay for services furnished outside the United States. For purposes of this paragraph (a), the following rules apply:
(1) The United States includes the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, The Northern Mariana Islands, and for purposes of services rendered on board ship, the territorial waters adjoining the land areas of the United States.
(2) Services furnished on board ship are considered to have been furnished in United States territorial waters if they were furnished while the ship was in a port of one of the jurisdictions listed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, or within 6 hours before arrival at, or 6 hours after departure from, such a port.
(3) A hospital that is not physically situated in one of the jurisdictions listed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is considered to be outside the United States, even if it is owned or operated by the United States Government.
- If a Provider offers telehealth services from their home, how do they enroll their practice location without their home address and personal phone number being made public on their profile?
On March 4, 2024, CMS published a notice in the Federal Register clarifying changes that have been made to the information providers are required to submit to the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) that is necessary to obtain and maintain a National Provider Identifier (NPI). Currently, one of the pieces of information that must be collected includes the provider’s address, both a mailing address and a location address, the latter of which originally must not be a post office box. This information can sometimes be publicly accessible. In the notice CMS writes,
Since the publication of the NPI final rule, health plans, Medicare, and Medicaid programs, have expanded coverage for telehealth services.[6] As such, there are now a number of individual (Entity type code = 1) providers, such as behavioral health service providers, who exclusively furnish telehealth services from the providers' homes. In some instances, providers who exclusively furnish telehealth services from their own homes may not have a provider address location other than their home address. We understand that providers who furnish telehealth services exclusively from their homes often enter a post office box as their provider mailing address into NPPES when applying for an NPI. Given the prohibition on including a post office box for the provider location address data elements, they enter their home addresses into NPPES to satisfy the provider location address data elements and obtain an NPI.
In acknowledgment of the concerns over providers’ home addresses possibly being accessible to the general public, this new notice from CMS is now clarifying that while it will still require the provider location address, it will allow for that to be either a post office box or personal mailbox offered by a private delivery service if the provider’s NPI is entity type code = 1 and does not have a physical location other than their home. CMS cites as a specific example a provider that exclusively provides services via telehealth from their home. This notice is effective April 3, 2024.